Eco-Committee update in assembly - 3.7.23

3rd July 2023
In our assembly on Monday 3.7.23, we had an update from our Eco-Committee about the work they have been doing in school this year.  They have been very busy and making a difference around school in lots of ways!
We are grateful to each of our Eco-reps, and to Mrs Griffin and Mr Sapsford for their hard work with the children this year.

This is what the reps told us: 

This year our aims for Eco-Schools were –

  •  To reduce the amount of litter on our school site.
  •  To raise awareness about the importance of conserving water and to reduce water use in our school.
  •  To encourage members of our school community to conserve energy in their classrooms.
  •  To reduce the amount of litter we have held litter picks to clean up our field and playgrounds, elected litter monitors in each class and created posters to encourage people to use the bins around school.


We also took part in the big battery hunt.

 As a school we recycled 8109 batteries!


To reduce the water we use as a school we did a leak survey of all of the taps in school.

 We then told Mr Tull about all of the leaks and he got them fixed.


We made posters to inform people of how they can save water.

To reduce the amount of energy we use in school we made posters for each classroom to suggest easy ways we can save energy.

Eco Reps have been on the lookout for switches and devices that can be turned off to save energy in their classrooms.


Currently the roof is having more insulation put onto it which will help reduce the amount of heat we lose in winter.

This will mean we are using a lot less energy!


Eco-Committee have come up with an Eco-Code for us all to follow to help save water, energy and reduce litter in our school.