Early Years children having their first playtime on the big field

9th September 2021
Today we took Classes 1 and 2 for their very first playtime on the field. First we took them just by themselves, and showed them where the boundaries are, told them about the vegetable patch, and explained how to roll down the hill!
They then had a run around just by themselves.
Then after they had had their lunch, they joined the Year 1 and 2 children from Classes 3,4,5 and 6, and had a wonderful time playing, running, reading, chasing, dancing and rolling on the field. It really was a pleasure to watch them!
In these pictures you will also see that some of our much older children (siblings, cousins and friends) were very keen to come over and meet in the 'meeting area' and say hello.
The pictures below were taken in the Class 1 and 2 garden and classrooms.