School Uniform

We have an optional uniform at Arbury Primary School leaving the decision of clothing for school to parents and carers.  Parents and carers at Arbury Primary School have however indicated their appreciation of the practical advantages of clear guidelines on the subject of school clothing. 

Children are expected to come to school in sensible clothing and footwear. Shoes with high heels or flip-flops are not suitable for school and children are not allowed to wear football strips to school other than for P.E. Clothing should cover shoulders, tummies and the tops of legs. Please ensure that clothing provides enough protection for the range of activities that will be part of classroom learning and outside playtimes.

Jewellery is not permitted to be worn in school other than stud earrings, which cannot be worn for sporting activities. We advise parents/carers to remove earrings on PE days as staff will not be allowed to remove children’s earrings or take responsibility for their safe keeping once removed.

The following items of clothing are recommended:

  • trousers
  • tracksuit trousers
  • shorts
  • jeans
  • skirts
  • pinafore dresses
  • shirt
  • T-shirt
  • polo shirt
  • sweatshirt
  • jumper

The colour (navy blue) of the school jumper has been selected to make it easy to buy in supermarkets, with parents and carers having the option of buying a school jumper with a school logo from the online shop where parents and carers can also purchase water bottles and book bags. We also offer a range of free second hand uniform at events such as the half termly teas held after school.