Red Nose Day - 18th March 2022

18th March 2022
We had lots of fun in school as we were learning about the work of Comic Relief through Red Nose Day.  Many children wore something red to school.  In our video assembly, we learnt about Teddy, a remarkable 9 year-old with cerebral palsy and visual impairment.  He told us about what aspects of life are like for him and how he has been helped by a project for children with visual impairment which is funded by Comic Relief.
In KS1 at lunchtime, children enjoyed dancing to songs from Sing 2 and Encanto!  In KS2, there was a lip sync extravaganza, with lots of children (and a couple of brave teachers!) taking part by showing off their performance skills!  It was great fun, and lovely to be all together out in the playground enjoying the event!
KS2 Lip sync extravaganza!  We had a lot of fun!
In KS2, we made a quick photo frame so children could have a photo with friends!
We had a lovely time dancing on the KS1 playground!