Maths Implementation


We follow the White Rose (version 3) scheme of work which is a blocked scheme that allows for depth and breadth of learning within each strand of mathematics. The table below shows how we use this scheme to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Autumn 1

Place value (within 10)

Addition and subtraction (within 10)

Place value

Addition and Subtraction

Place Value

Addition and subtraction

Place value

Addition and subtraction

Place value

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division (A)

Place value

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Autumn 2

Addition and subtraction (within 10) cont.


Addition and subtraction cont.


Addition and subtraction cont.

Multiplication and division (A)

Addition and subtraction cont.


Multiplication and division (A)

Multiplication and division (A) cont.

Fractions (A)

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division cont.

Fractions (A)

Fractions (B)

Converting units

Spring 1

Place value (within 20)

Addition and subtraction (within 20)


Multiplication and division

Multiplication and division (B)

Length and perimeter

Multiplication and division (B)

Length and perimeter


Multiplication and division (B)

Fractions (B)

Decimals and percentages




Spring 2

Place value (within 50)

Length and height

Mass and volume

Multiplication and division cont.

Length and height

Mass, capacity and temperature

Fractions (A)

Mass and Capacity

Fractions cont.

Decimals (A)

Decimals and percentages cont.

Perimeter and area


Fractions, decimals and percentages

Area, perimeter and volume


Summer 1

Multiplication and division


Position and direction




Fractions (B)



Decimals (B)




Position and direction



Position and direction

Themed projects, consolidation and problem-solving

Summer 2

Place Value (within 100)




Position and direction


Time cont.





Position and direction

Decimals cont.

Negative numbers

Converting units


Themed projects, consolidation and problem-solving



Children at Arbury have a daily mathematics lesson that lasts for an hour. Lessons are planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. Teachers follow the White Rose Maths materials and staff also refer to the school Calculation Policy when teaching formal methods. The White Rose resources support teachers to plan for small, cumulative steps which build a solid foundation of deep mathematical understanding. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving are embedded into the daily maths lessons. Lessons and tasks are carefully adapted to cater to the needs of individual children and ensure appropriate challenge for all learners.



At Arbury, we employ a variety of teaching styles and opportunities for children to learn and develop their mathematical skills and competencies, both individually and collaboratively. The main aim of all lessons is to develop children’s knowledge, understanding and skills, applying these to a variety of contexts. One of the key elements in lessons throughout the school should be on developing the children’s mental calculation strategies alongside developing the children’s written calculation strategies. Concrete resources and pictorial representations are used by teachers to help develop secure a deep conceptual understanding, before children move to the abstract. Teachers use a mastery approach to ensure that children develop a deep understanding of maths.

Our calculation policies for this subject are drawn from the White Rose materials to ensure consistency and a logical progression across the school. Daily basic skills are recapped and rehearsed in lesson starters to aid retention and support fluency. In Years 1 to 5, children complete an arithmetic quiz every two weeks to practise their basic arithmetic skills and in Year 6 an arithmetic quiz is completed weekly.


Multiplication and division facts

In Years 2, 3 and 4, specific times tables are a focus in each half term and are taught in lessons and as lesson starters to the children. By the end of Year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including 12 x 12. In Years 5 and 6, times tables are revisited through starters and are regularly interleaved within maths topics taught throughout the year. In addition to the teaching of times tables during curriculum time, the TT Rockstars maths programme is used by children to support with their understanding and recall knowledge of the times tables and the associated divisions. Every week, children have time to complete a ‘Soundcheck’ assessment (a similar format to the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check) which identifies children’s recall knowledge and areas they need to work on and improve. Furthermore, on other game modes, the programme personalises the questions for each child on a continual basis to support their progressions through the tables.



We aim for our children to have positive attitudes towards maths and through pupil voice and lesson observations, we can see that children are engaged in lessons, are comfortable with making mistakes and can talk enthusiastically about their learning. As a school, we take part in a range of whole-school maths events including special maths focus weeks and TT Rock tournament battles. We take part in inter school competitions across Cambridge and our Maths Leader runs a popular Maths Reasoning Club at lunchtimes