Wear Yellow Day for Cystic Fibrosis Awareness

14th July 2023
On Friday 14th July, our whole-school assembly for Wear Yellow Day focussed on helping us to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis (CF) to raise our awareness of this condition.
One of the children in our school has this condition, and over the past years, she has helped us to learn about how, even though this is a rare condition, she is able to live an active and happy life and enjoy school and other activities to the full!  This year, she prepared slides with information and pictures of the daily treatments and medication she needs - this was very helpful.  She noted that CF is not a condition which can be caught, but is something you are born with, and it is a very rare condition.
Lots of children wore something yellow on the day.  Even more children chose to wear a yellow paper wristband, which a group of our Year 6 children helped with at lunchtime in the dinner hall.  
We were glad to learn more about CF, and also to wear yellow to show the importance of increasing our awareness.