Harvest celebrations - 22.9.23

22nd September 2023
On Friday 22.9.23, we had a lovely Harvest assembly at school to start off our Friday.  We spent some time together singing, sharing photographs and thinking about all of the things we are thankful to have in our lives.
We are very grateful for all of the generous donations of food items which will be donated to the Cambridge City Foodbank.  We know that they will be able to use this food to help families who need a bit of extra support.
We also were able to see 5 super pumpkins which our KS1 Gardening Club have grown - they look fantastic!  There were also some delicious cherry tomatoes, and before the summer holidays, the children were able to harvest broad beans and turnips (which have long been eaten!).  Mr Sapsford also brought in a big marrow which he grew in his back garden.
Mrs Morris, our KS1 Assistant Headteacher, lives on a farm, and she shared with us some photos of Harvest taking place on the farm.  It was amazing to see the huge combine harvester at work during the day and even at night!
Of course, we were delighted to have our new EYFS children with us in assembly, and they took part in an Arbury tradition of doing the actions to 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow', which we all enjoyed very much!
After school, we were happy to have lots of parents and carers bringing their children along to the Expressive Arts hall for our first half-termly tea of the year, run by our Friends of Arbury volunteers.  
Harvest is definitely a time to stop and be thankful for all we have - and we are very thankful to be part of a lovely school like ours!