Home Learning Gallery 2

4th February 2021
We continue to be so proud of all the efforts our children (and grown ups) are making at home.
Here are some more examples of the excellent effort and engagement we are seeing. We know it is tricky, and so many of you are really trying your best. You are messaging your teachers , and sending in lots of pictures.
We are delighted to see our school community embracing not just the reading, writing and maths, but also the wider curriculum too. We are getting some lovely examples and illustrations of how you are joining in with the opportunities to do drama, PE, music and art. 
Our Wonderful Wednesdays, Drama/Arts, and Healthy Lifestyles Group Pages have a 'well-being' theme running through them. We are very pleased to see all the pictures coming in,  showing us your outdoor walks, games, healthy food, poetry, puppet making, dancing, singing and even mud painting! 
Our Drama and Arts Group Page has inspired many of our school community. Here is one of our youngest children sharing his delightful 'Doughnuts Dance'. Isn't it fantastic?